Unknown is unloved? Diversity and inter-population trust in Europe

D. Gerritsen, M. Lubbers

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With more than 400,000 trust evaluations, we examine inter-population trust in the European Union. We focus on social capital theory explanations in a context where European inhabitants from 20 countries rate trust in the populations of 27 other European countries and in their own national population. We emphasize the role of ethnic heterogeneity, but we extend the research by studying the importance of the presence of specific European migrants in a country for trusting this population as a whole. Moreover, we consider the relation with the citizen’s country and characteristics of the trusted populations’ country. We use the European Election Studies, showing that diversity is important for explaining trust in other populations and trust in one’s own population – but opposite to what is expected by Putnam.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-287
Number of pages21
JournalEuropean Union Politics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • trust
  • social capital
  • European Union
  • ethnic diversity
  • cross-national comparison


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