Timing of initial arrival at the breeding site predicts age at first reproduction in a long-lived migratory bird

Peter H. Becker, Tobias Dittmann, Jan-Dieter Ludwigs, Bente Limmer, Sonja C. Ludwig, Christina Bauch, Alexander Braasch, Helmut Wendeln

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

57 Citations (Scopus)


In long-lived vertebrates, individuals generally visit potential breeding areas or populations during one or more seasons before reproducing for the first time. During these years of prospecting, they select a future breeding site, colony, or mate and improve various skills and their physical condition to meet the requirements of reproduction. One precondition of successful reproduction is arrival in time on the breeding grounds. Here, we study the intricate links among the date of initial spring arrival, body mass, sex, and the age of first breeding in the common tern , a long-lived migratory colonial seabird. The study is based on a unique, individual-based, long-term dataset of sexed birds, marked with transponders, which allow recording their individual arrival, overall attendance, and clutch initiation remotely and automatically year by year over the entire lifetime at the natal colony site. We show that the seasonal date of initial arrival at the breeding grounds predicts the individual age at first reproduction, which mostly occurs years later. Late first-time arrivals remain delayed birds throughout subsequent years. Our findings reveal that timing of arrival at the site of reproduction and timing of reproduction itself are coherent parameters of individual quality, which are linked with the prospects of the breeding career and may have consequences for fitness.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12349-12352
Number of pages4
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America
Issue number34
Early online date18-Aug-2008
Publication statusPublished - 26-Aug-2008
Externally publishedYes


  • prospecting
  • recruitment age
  • seabirds
  • spring arrival


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