Search for disoriented chiral condensates in 158 AGeV Pb+Pb collisions

M M Aggarwal*, A Agnihotri, Z Ahammed, A L S Angelis, V Antonenko, V A Arefiev, V Astakhov, V Avdeitchikov, T C Awes, P V K S Baba, S K Badyal, A Baldine, L Barabach, C Barlag, S Bathe, B Batiounia, T Bernier, K B Bhalla, V S Bhatia, C BlumeR Bock, E M Bohne, D Bucher, A Buijs, E J Buis, H Busching, L Carlen, V Chalyshev, S Chattopadhyay, R Cherbatchev, T Chujo, A Claussen, A C Das, M P Decowski, V Djordjadze, P Donni, I Doubovik, M R D Majumdar, K El Chenawi, S Eliseev, K Enosawa, P Foka, S Fokin, V Frolov, M S Ganti, S Garpman, O Gavrishchuk, F J M Geurts, T K Ghosh, H. Löhner, WA98 Collaboration

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    The restoration of chiral symmetry and its subsequent breaking through a phase transition has been predicted to create regions of Disoriented Chiral Condensates (DCC). This phenomenon has been predicted to cause anomalous fluctuations in th; relative production of charged and neutral plans in high-energy hadronic and nuclear collisions. The WA98 experiment has been used to measure charged and photon multiplicities in the central region of 158 AGeV Pb + Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. In a sample of 212646 events, no clear DCC signal can be distinguished. Using a simple DCC model. we have set a 90% C.L. upper limit on the maximum DCC production allowed by the data. 

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)169-179
    Number of pages11
    JournalPhysics Letters B
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - 19-Feb-1998


    • ENERGY
    • CERN
    • QCD


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