Motiveren rechters het gevaar? Een kwantitatief jurisprudentieonderzoek naar de motivering van waarom aan het gevaarscriterium is voldaan bij het opleggen en verlengen van tbs

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The imposition or extension of a tbs-order requires that the offender is dangerous. This article reports on a quantitative analysis of case law about whether judges provide reasons in their judgment when establishing that an offender is dangerous. The analysis shows that this often is not the case. For example, only one third of the examined judgments explain why the legal criterion for dangerousness is met. The author recommends that judges more often provide reasons for their decision about the dangerousness of the offender.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)290-308
Number of pages19
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 31-Oct-2021

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