Kernel structure of the combined English, Dutch, and Polish personality type-nouns, with a critical test against a type-noun based structure in Swahili

Boele De Raad*, Ana Volungevičienė, Petar Čolović, Kim De Roover, Harrun Garrashi, Oleg Gorbaniuk

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    We compared three trait-structures based on type-nouns, to find their common kernel structure. We used ratings from 607 participants on 372 English type-nouns, 800 participants on 571 Dutch type-nouns, and 1,325 participants on 454 Polish typenouns. PCA based factor structures were compared using congruence coefficients. SCA was applied on a joint matrix of type-nouns with ratings from a total of 2,737 participants on 331 type-nouns shared by all three languages. The resulting structure reflected versions of the Big Five, yet narrowed to their oratory role. Finally, the results were compared with a type-nouns based structure in Swahili.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number104415
    Number of pages17
    JournalJournal of Research in Personality
    Publication statusPublished - Oct-2023


    • Kernel structure
    • Psycho-lexical approach
    • Traits
    • Type-nouns


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