Is home-sickness a mini-grief? Development of a dual process model

Margaret Stroebe, Henk Schut, Maaike Nauta

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Homesickness (HS) is associated with mental and physical health problems and is thus of clinical concern. In some highly influential theoretical models and widely used questionnaires, HS spans home-related losses and new-locality adjustments. A differentiated approach is needed: Evidence suggests that distinct manifestations are associated with these two domains. Collapsing home- and new-place-related phenomena has impeded understanding of separation-from-home-specific aspects. Thus, we propose a dual process model of coping with HS (DPM-HS). According to this framework, HS is fundamentally a separation phenomenon, a “mini-grief,” involving different (though possibly mutually exacerbating) stressors from new place ones. It follows that HS should be narrowly defined; separate examination of home–new place stressors, correlates, and consequences is mandatory; regulatory cognitive-emotional processes and incremental effects due to new place stressors need charting. Following DPM-HS principles, HS prevention and treatment should not only focus on distraction and adjustment, but also pay attention to missing home aspects and emotion-regulation strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)344-358
Number of pages15
JournalClinical Psychological Science
Issue number2
Early online date17-Jul-2015
Publication statusPublished - Mar-2016


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