Goal-based outcomes of hospitalisation of older adults are predicted by gender, confidence, quality of life and type of goals

Maria Johanna van der Kluit*, Sanne Tent, Geke J. Dijkstra, Sophia E. de Rooij

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Purpose: Although patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) might reflect relevant outcomes from patient perspective, they do not always reflect what the individual patient finds important. Our objectives were to assess which PROM was best suited to evaluate patient-relevant outcomes of hospitalisation and to assess which factors predicted this PROM.

Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted among hospitalised older patients. Three PROMs were compared with the anchor question ‘How much have you benefited from the admission?’: a general quality of life measure: EQ-5D; a measure of daily functioning: Katz-15 and a goal-based measure: achievement of self-defined goals. Predictors were examined using logistic regression analyses.

Results: We had 185 cases with baseline and follow-up. Accomplishment of self-defined goals showed a large correlation with the anchor question, whereas EQ-5D and Katz-15 showed no significant correlations. The final regression model had four predictors: being man, having higher confidence in goal achievement and good/excellent quality of life increased the odds for goal accomplishment, while having goals in the category alleviating complaints reduced the odds.

Conclusion: Accomplishment of individual goals represented the benefit experienced by participants best. Subjective indicators of health and functioning are better predictors of goal accomplishment than objective ones. According to participant experience, the hospital appeared successful in managing disease-specific problems, but less successful in ameliorating complaints. Medical decision-making should not only be based on medical indicators, but the input of the patient is at least as important. Quality of life, goals and confidence should be discussed. More attention is needed for symptom experience.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1377–1389
Number of pages13
JournalEuropean Geriatric Medicine
Early online date7-Oct-2022
Publication statusPublished - Dec-2022


  • Confidence
  • Goal-based care
  • Hope
  • Hospitalisation
  • PROM


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