Changes in PTSD patients' narratives during prolonged exposure therapy: A replication and extension

A van Minnen*, I. Wessel, T Dijkstra, K Roelofs, Ineke Wessel

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99 Citations (Scopus)


Following E. B. Foa, C. Molnar, and L. Cashman (1995), narrative changes from the first to the last exposure session were compared for improved and nonimproved PTSD patients on fragmentation, organization, internal, and external events. Improved (n = 8) and nonimproved (n = 12) patients did not differ regarding changes in fragmentation or organized thoughts. However, improved patients showed a greater decrease in disorganized thoughts during treatment. Furthermore, all patients, independent of improvement, showed significant changes in the same direction; a decrease in disorganized thoughts and external events and an increase in internal events. Although previous results were partly replicated, it is concluded that narrative changes may be due to exposure treatment itself rather than to changes in memory representation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberUNSP 0894-9867/02/0600-0255/1
Pages (from-to)255-258
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of traumatic stress
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun-2002
Externally publishedYes


  • PTSD
  • exposure therapy
  • narratives
  • fragmentation
  • memory


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