Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Seegras – eine Erfolgsgeschichte Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet FISCH & FANG Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 25/07/2023 Description Seegräser sind die einzigen vollständig unter Wasser lebenden blühenden Meerespflanzen, die Küstenlebensräume auf der ganzen Welt erobert haben. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Wie sich Seegras um die Welt verbreitete Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet VBiO Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 24/07/2023 Description Seegräser sind die einzigen vollständig unter Wasser lebenden blühenden Meerespflanzen, die Küstenlebensräume auf der ganzen Welt erobert haben. Ihre Ausbreitung erstreckt sich in der nördlichen Hemisphäre über Breitengrade von 35° bis 70° Nord – von warm-gemäßigten Küsten bis zu den eisigen Küsten der Arktis. Eine internationale Gruppe von Forschenden unter Leitung von Professor Dr. Thorsten Reusch, Meeresbiologe am GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, rekonstruierte die Besiedlungsgeschichte des Seegrases Zostera marina von dessen Ursprung im Nordwestpazifik über den Pazifik und Atlantik bis ins Mittelmeer. Darüber hinaus stellten sie eine Verringerung der genetischen Vielfalt fest, was Anlass zur Frage gibt, wie gut sich Seegras an das sich verändernde Klima anpassen kann. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title ¿Cómo colonizaron el mundo los pastos marinos? Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 24/07/2023 Description ¿Cómo colonizaron el mundo los pastos marinos? A diferencia de las algas, poseen raíces y rizomas que crecen en sedimentos arenosos o fangosos. Los brotes de hojas, similares a la hierba, producen flores y completan su ciclo de vida completamente bajo el agua. Las semillas tienen una flotabilidad negativa. Pero los brotes con semillas pueden flotar, lo que promueve su dispersión por todos los mares y océanos del mundo. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Tech and Science Post Media type Blog Date 23/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet News Brig Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 22/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spreads around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet playcrazygame Media type Web Date 22/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How seagrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NewsBeezer Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 22/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Foundational species: How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet SciTechDaily Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 22/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonization history of the most widespread marine plant. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spreads around the world: Fundamental species Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet List23 Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 22/07/2023 Description The world's most widespread marine plant's colonization history is documented by an international research team led by GEOMAR. Producer/Author Elizabeth Pascka Latim URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Sky News Media type Web Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant Producer/Author Jessica McCarrthy URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Daily Check Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant Producer/Author Adnan Saidi URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet News Concerns Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Todays Chronic Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Dubai Tech News Media type Web Country/Territory United Arab Emirates Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Prime News Print Media type Web Date 21/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Wie kann sich Seegras an das verändernde Klima anpassen Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Die Linde Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 21/07/2023 Description Seegräser haben sich aus Süßwasserpflanzen entwickelt, nutzen Sonnenlicht und Kohlendioxid (CO2) für die Photosynthese und gedeihen in Tiefen bis zu 50 Metern. Im Gegensatz zu Algen verfügen sie über Wurzeln und Rhizome, die in sandigen oder schlammigen Sedimenten wachsen. Die grasartigen Blattsprosse bilden Blüten und vollenden ihren Lebenszyklus vollständig unter Wasser. Die Samen sind zwar nicht schwimmfähig, werden aber von den samentragenden Trieben getragen, was die Ausbreitungsdistanzen im ozeanischen Maßstab erheblich vergrößert. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Cómo se propagó la hierba marina por todo el mundo Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Vista al Mar Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 21/07/2023 Description Los patrones de las corrientes oceánicas impulsan la colonización global de la hierba marina. URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 20/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Scienmag Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 20/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title How eelgrass spread around the world Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet EurekAlert! Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 20/07/2023 Description An international research team led by GEOMAR reconstructs the worldwide colonisation history of the most widespread marine plant URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Global eelgrass proliferation explored Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Mirage News Media type Web Country/Territory Australia Date 20/07/2023 Description An international group of researchers coordinated by Professor Thorsten Reusch, Head of the Research Division Marine Ecology at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, used complete nuclear and chloroplast genomes from 200 individuals and 16 locations to reconstruct and date the colonisation history of the eelgrass Zostera marina from its origin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean to the Pacific, Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The findings described in a peer-reviewed publication and a Research Briefing published today in the scientific journal Nature Plants beg the question, "How well will eelgrass adapt to our new, rapidly changing climate?" Producer/Author Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Wie sich Seegras um die Welt verbreitete Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Informations Dienst Wissenschaft Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 20/07/2023 Description Seegräser sind die einzigen vollständig unter Wasser lebenden blühenden Meerespflanzen, die Küstenlebensräume auf der ganzen Welt erobert haben. Eine internationale Gruppe von Forschenden unter Leitung von Professor Dr. Thorsten Reusch, Meeresbiologe am GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, rekonstruierte die Besiedlungsgeschichte des Seegrases Zostera marina von dessen Ursprung im Nordwestpazifik über den Pazifik und Atlantik bis ins Mittelmeer. Darüber hinaus stellten sie eine Verringerung der genetischen Vielfalt fest, was Anlass zur Frage gibt, wie gut sich Seegras an das sich verändernde Klima anpassen kann. Producer/Author Maike Nicolai - GEOMAR URL Persons Jeanine Olsen Title Wie sich Seegras um die Welt verbreitete, Geomar Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet GÜTSEL Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 20/07/2023 Description Seegräser sind die einzigen vollständig unter Wasser lebenden blühenden Meerespflanzen, die Küstenlebensräume auf der ganzen Welt erobert haben. Producer/Author Christian Schröter URL Persons Jeanine Olsen