Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Kasper Meijer on a recently published paper

Press/Media: ResearchProfessional


Part of open science is that researchers make their data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. But how to do this? In this series, we ask researchers to tell us more about their data management choices.

In this edition, we highlight the data publication ‘The seafloor from a trait perspective. A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos’ that was published in Springer Nature’s Scientific Data.

We asked co-author Kasper Meijer, PhD Candidate at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, a few questions.


Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleGood practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Kasper Meijer on ‘The seafloor from a trait perspective: A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos’
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletUB Open Science Blog
    Media typeBlog
    DescriptionPart of open science is that researchers make their data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. But how to do this? In this series, we ask researchers to tell us more about their data management choices.

    In this edition, we highlight the data publication ‘The seafloor from a trait perspective. A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos’ that was published in Springer Nature’s Scientific Data.

    We asked co-author Kasper Meijer, PhD Candidate at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, a few questions.
    Producer/AuthorAlba Soares Capellas
    PersonsKasper Meijer